Waitematā DHB won two awards at the New Zealand Primary Healthcare Awards He Tohu Mauri Ora on Saturday 29 February 2020. The inaugural awards provided an opportunity for the primary healthcare sector to showcase innovation, collaboration and superlative outcomes.
The two awards received were for initiatives that were developed or supported by our Institute of Innovation and Improvement (i3).
True Partnership in Care: E-Consultation lead by Jono Hoogerbrug and Peter van der Weir won the Southern Cross Health Insurance primary and secondary integration award. The project builds bridges between healthcare providers and addresses the protracted waiting times that can cause undue suffering for patients.
'Every Patient, Every Time' - making you safer when you visit the GP/Pharmacy lead by our Safety in Practice Team won the ACC patient safety award. The programme helps health professionals to create system-level changes that improve their processes and reduce admissions to hospital.
Left: Michael Hammond - Project Manager Safety in Practice.
Right: Diana Phone - Pharmacy Fellow i3 + SIP, Michael Hammond, Sue French - Innovation + Improvement Project Manager i3
» Find out more about the NZ Primary Healthcare Awards